Sunday, 28 April 2013

Concept for a Mass Effect MMORPG.

Setting: Beginning of Mass Effect 2, Shepard had just died and a team has been ordered to recover the remaining parts of the Normandy and hopefully recover Commander Shepard after he/she was shot and killed by the Collectors. But when you get there Cerberus is already there and escape with Shepard's body and the rest of the bodies. From there the Alliance believes that Commander Shepard is dead and so now your team must go and investigate into Cerberus and other enemies running havoc in the galaxy. The game would work similar to Borderlands with a drop-in/drop-out system to join games and the galaxy map would be used as Travel stations to other areas of the galaxy. You can play as all the races included in the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer with more depth put into characters, higher level caps and a new system of customization for weapons including the ability to dual wield smgs and pistols.

Enemies include: The Collectors, Cerberus, Blue Suns, Blood Pack, Geth, Reapers, Rogue Turians (angry over first conflict war), Rogue Alliance Soldiers, Thresher Maws, Yahg, Varren, Rachni, Mechs, plus now every race has an indoctrinated form including the Krogan, Drell, Hanar, Elcor, Salarian, Volus and Quarian.

The timeline of the game would go through the defeat of the Collectors and up to the end when Shepard finally defeats the Reapers. You would travel to familiar places like The Citadel, Mars, the Moon, more of Earth before and after the Reapers attack, Palaven, and many other planets. There would be hundred of missions, plus a new library of vehicles both ground and space for space combat.

You would also play side-by-side familiar allies including Ashley Williams or Kaiden, Wrex, Legion, Liara, Anderson and many more. I am not sure what the overall storyline would be but during the game you will get the opportunity to talk with Commander Shepard and you can import your save so that the Shepard you meet will be either male or female and look how you customized them.

Which brings me to my final point, customization with each playable race would allow for in-depth customization including gender, facial features, many more armor types and the what class you play as. All this would make for a great game while keeping all the current lore that has been created and with the addition of the DICE engine being used for the next Mass Effect game it would be possible to have destructible environments with biotoc abilities doing damage to structure.

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