Sunday, 28 April 2013

Daybreak Season 1 Review

AT&T has created an interesting attempt at a Webseries called Daybreak as an advertisement for the HTC One X. Was it a good web series read below to find out.

As a loyal fan of Chuck since season 1 of the show Devin aka Awesome played by Ryan McPartlin was always a funny brother/in/law in the show. Now he stars as the villain in the web series Daybreak, a sci/fi action thriller series of five 10 minutes online films. The show is linked to the Kiefer Sutherland-led FOX series Touch, by a storyline following the mysterious dodecahedron introduced in the last three episodes of Touch. The show gets of to a good start and has you hooked in with high production value chase scenes. The series stars Ryan Eggold and Sarah Roemer, along with supporting talent Ryan McPartlin, Eugene Byrd, and Shannon Lucio. Much of the narrative in Daybreak is driven by the use of technology including AT&T’s network, devices, and even some not-yet-available innovations from AT&T Labs.

Even with the great talent and talented writers the show still seems to suffer from a very predictable plot of a father who left something for his son, that he must now go on and use to save the planet. Meanwhile an evil organisation is trying to stop him and will go to great lengths to take the Dodecahedron and harness its powers for their own reasons. This is one of the downfalls of the show and also the awkward love story between the main character and his ex make up for some of the screen time that starts to feel cringe-worthy and slightly frustrating to watch on screen. However, it is worth noting that overall the set design and scale of the show is up there with Hollywood and TV shows and less like what has come to be expected from low-budget web series of the type.


In Summary: The show is good and for free content it is well worth watching if you can get past of the predictable story and the obvious product placement. But for a web series it certainly has potential and maybe even enough substance for a second season.

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